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Turin Industry capital 4.0, Fincantieri new Cruise ship...and more news

TIPO: video_international

25 settembre 2017, 18:45

- Turin industry capital 4.0: G7 industry opens in Venaria "governing the digital revolution" gathering of 'reset G7' protesters
- Fincantieri's new Luxury Ocean liner cruise ship commissioned by Cunard the 64th ship for the Carnival group. Viking sun delivered in Ancona today
- A showcase for Made in Italy Italy's truffles shoot for Unesco candidacy submitted in Paris to enter the world heritage list
(New of September 25, 2017)

25 settembre 2017, 18:45

- Turin industry capital 4.0: G7 industry opens in Venaria "governing the digital revolution" gathering of 'reset G7' protesters
- Fincantieri's new Luxury Ocean liner cruise ship commissioned by Cunard the 64th ship for the Carnival group. Viking sun delivered in Ancona today
- A showcase for Made in Italy Italy's truffles shoot for Unesco candidacy submitted in Paris to enter the world heritage list
(New of September 25, 2017)