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Pirelli's stock market return - Among Obama's 100 world civic leaders a 25 year-old italian... and more news

TIPO: video_international

18 settembre 2017, 19:08

- Florence welcomes the Dalai Lama, guest of the Festival of Religions. His first visit after 20 years. Leader will receive a "Peace seal"

- Pirelli's stock market return shares on sale for 6.3 and 8.3 euros. Back in Milan's exchange on oct 4th. Pirelli's ceo: "Historical event"

- Obama's 100 world civic leaders. Among them a 25 year-old italian Valentino Magliaro, in Busto Arsizio. Works to improve student engagement

(News of September 18, 2017)

18 settembre 2017, 19:08

- Florence welcomes the Dalai Lama, guest of the Festival of Religions. His first visit after 20 years. Leader will receive a "Peace seal"

- Pirelli's stock market return shares on sale for 6.3 and 8.3 euros. Back in Milan's exchange on oct 4th. Pirelli's ceo: "Historical event"

- Obama's 100 world civic leaders. Among them a 25 year-old italian Valentino Magliaro, in Busto Arsizio. Works to improve student engagement

(News of September 18, 2017)