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Ports :  Ligabue   buys   Dutch   group  worth 30 million Euros

Ports: Ligabue buys Dutch group worth 30 million Euros
 Mirco Toniolo/Errebi/Agf
 Inti Ligabue, ad del gruppo Ligabue (Agf)

Venice - Ligabue Group, a Venetian firm specializing in ship supplies, has purchased Maas Shipstores, which provides similar ship supply, transport & logistics services in the port of Rotterdam. The firm boasts a turnover of approximately 30 million Euros. "We are proud and very happy to announce this acquisition, as it constitutes a major step in Ligabue Group's strategy both for the Ship Supply division and for our different other lines of business. We are certain - commented Inti Ligabue, CEO of the group - that incorporation of Maas will take place in parallel with the development of commercial and organizational synergies. This incorporation will be carried out successfully thanks to their considerable organizational know-how in Rotterdam and to their business culture, which is so very similar to our own".