Moavero Milanesi, an Eu expert negotiating on Iran and Libya

Rome - Enzo Moavero Milanesi, new minister of Foreign Affairs, will be representing Italy at the Canadian G7, on the 8 and 9 of June, at the European Council in Brussels on the 28 of June, at the Nato Summit on the 11 of July. Who is the new number one of Farnesina palace that will negotiate on Us sanctions, on Iranian nuclear dossier and on Libya caothic situation? Born in Rome in 1954, married with three children, Enzo Moavero Milanesi, Foreign Minister of the League-M5S government, is a Magna Cum Laude law graduate from the La Sapienza University in Rome, with a dissertation on commercial law. He had been appointed Minister for European Affairs in the executive led by Monti (from 16 November 2011 to April 2013) and in the next one, led by Enrico Letta (April 2013 to February 2014).
Moavero will have the challenging job of negotiating between the sovereigntist demands of the Government and the Italian commitments to the EU and Eurozone. It is said that when he first took office in 2011, he refused to use a desk that had belonged to Mussolini. "I am an anti-fascist. I do not want it", he said. Now he will work at the Farnesina palace, a building constructed in the late 1930s to be the new headquarter of the National Fascist Party. However, in 1940, its use had already been changed to host the Ministry for Foreign Affairs. It will be fun to see what he will say and do about that. Moavero also tried to enter politics, as a candidate for the Monti list for the Senate in the 2013 general elections, but he was not elected. He is a European supporter, even though in the past, he claimed to be "convinced that the European Union can remain a positive proposition for the future only if it manages to be effectively close to its citizens".
In an other occasion, he said that "the greatest risk for the Country and the Government is linked to the loss of political stability, one of the key elements needed to overcome the European Union's economic and financial crisis". Almost a warning, and then an outright premonition when he underlined the importance of stability for foreign investors "on whom our country depends, given our high levels of public debt". Let us see if his anti-Europe colleagues Savona and Salvini will listen. Solicitor/barrister. He specialized in community and EU law (College d'Europe, Bruges). Before being appointed Minister in 2011, since 2006 he had been a judge and then became President of a Chamber of the Court of Justice of the European Union in Luxembourg. He worked at the EU Commission in Brussels for twenty years, a job he acquired through a public competition.