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Italy-Indonesia: Orientale Napoli ready to start Bahasa courses

: Foto: Ramdlon / Afp

Jakarta - Bahasa Indonesia as the language of Indonesian unity is also famous in many countries, including in Europe. So also multicultural culture of Indonesia has been known to the world community. In a number of countries, Indonesian became one of the subjects for Language Program students. Italia University Orientale Napoli has made the Indonesian language as one of the courses in the Department of Laingue e Culture Orientali e Africane. This prompted a student from the department named Luigi Suasa to take a six month apprenticeship in Indonesia to better understand Indonesian language and culture. The Italian student arrived in North Sulawesi. He was an apprentice at Manado State University in Tondano by following the learning process with the students of the Faculty of Social Sciences. To further explore the Indonesian language, Luigi also participate in the Catholic Student Family worship. Even he learned to communicate using the Indonesian language and learn to know the culture of Indonesia. In addition, he also learned to use the language used by the people of North Sulawesi. In terms of communicating it is not so difficult because it has learned the basics of the previous Indonesian language. While in North Sulawesi, Luigi Suasa lived with one of the university employees. He argued that the people of North Sulawesi are very friendly, as evidenced by the attitude of someone greeting others even though they do not know each other. This behavior is what distinguishes the people of North Sulawesi with people in other areas. Not only learn the language and culture of Indonesia, he also had the opportunity to follow Thanksgiving Day and visit the attractions in North Sulawesi, namely Mount Kasih, Lake Linow, Lake Tondano, and Fort Moraya. He also intends to visit the famous Bunaken National Park and even become a world heritage before he returns to Italy in January 2018. The Italian student also argued that he feels comfortable in North Sulawesi, especially in the Minahasa region that still has cool mountain air, free from air pollution like in big cities. For that he did not want to waste time while still there. He wants to learn more about language, culture, socializing with the community, and of course visiting other attractions.



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