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Carnival: Venice's event inspired by Fellini's circus


Venice - It will be like a huge circus, with the sets used by Italian film director Fellini in his film "La strada". This is one of the key elements of the 2018 Venice Carnival, the third one coordinated by Marco Maccapani. "This year's Carnival - as Paola Mar, Venice's Municipal Councilor for Tourism, explained - will comprise more than 200 events. Some of these are an integral part of our history: the 'Volo dell'Angelo' (scheduled to take place in St Mark's Square on Sunday, February 4), the 'Volo dell'Asino' (in Piazza Ferretto on February 11), the "Festa delle Marie" (with the traditional walking parade from Castello to the Marciana area on Saturday 3), the parades of allegorical floats in Zelarino (Tuesday 13) and Marghera (Saturday 10) and the Burano Carnival (with two events, on February 8 and 13). Other events, instead, will bring our history back to life for the first time." One of the novelties of this edition will be the reenactment, on Friday, February 9, in Piazza San Marco, of the struggles between the "Nicolotti" and the "Castellani", the two factions that had divided the city during the Venetian Republic. Other events not to be missed are the traditional "Venetian Feast on water" (to be held on Saturday, January 27 from 6pm to 8pm and on Sunday, 28 from 10.30am), promoted by Associazione delle Remiere, and the three regattas, on each of the three Sundays concerned (including, on Sunday 28, the unprecedented 'Regata delle Colombine', a sprint race for women, who will compete on small gondolas for men).

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