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Renaissance art from Northern Italy on display in Warsaw

(AGI) Warsaw, July 28 - The National Museum in Warsaw is hosting a selection of ...

Renaissance art from Northern Italy on display in Warsaw
Cristo redentore benedicente, Raffaello 

(AGI) Warsaw, July 28 - The National Museum in Warsaw is hosting a selection of Renaissance paintings from the Tosio Martinengo Art Gallery in Brescia. The section includes works by Moretto, Giovanni Gerolamo Savoldo, Giovan Battista Moroni, Raphael, Titian, and Lorenzo Lotto. The "Brescia. Il Rinascimento nell'Italia del nord" (Brescia: the Renaissance in Northern Italy) exhibition will be open until Aug. 28. The paintings on display were selected by the Tosio Martinengo Art Gallery, which, with its collection of 900 works of art, is one of the most important galleries in the Lombardy region. Its collection includes paintings spanning six centuries between the 1200s and 1700s. Its origins date back to the sizable artistic treasure trove bequeathed to the city of Brescia by Count Paolo Tosio in 1842. Tosio's prominence as a collector is evidenced by the numerous 16th century paintings, all of extraordinary value, gathered in the palace he gifted to the city. Two paintings by Raphael that he acquired on the Italian antiquities market - "Angel" and "Christ Blessing" - reveal that he had an essentially classical taste. The exhibition has dedicated a section to the 'founder' of Brescia's artistic collections, including a small selection of paintings documenting his interest in Alessandro Moretto, who was considered a purist and Brescia's own Raphael. The exhibition was organised by the National Museum in Warsaw in collaboration with the Brescia Museums Foundation and STart. (AGI). .