Italian senator Zin promotes trade and investment for Argentina-Italy

Rome - Claudio Zin, a physician, journalist, and Italian senator elected in Argentina by Italians living overseas, talked about exports and investments during an interview with Agi. He said that "when an Italian entrepreneur wishes to settle in Argentina, he must bring liquidity and not just sell his products." With regard to the upcoming visit to Buenos Aires by the President of the Italian Republic, Sergio Mattarella, the senator said "it is a miracle for the extensive Italian community" and it will also boost relations between the two countries.
Mr Zin launched the proposal for tourism incentives for citizens of Italian origin wishing to visit the country of their ancestors. "President Mattarella's visit is a miracle. Last year Premier Renzi came. However, it has been 16 years since an Italian President has come to Buenos Aires. The meeting with the Argentinian government will focus on economic and political issues. For the Italian community, the visit will be much more meaningful because we hope to start paving the way for new diplomatic and consular network. There is a lot of paperwork for the 900,000 citizens registered with AIRE. The offices are understaffed, although the consuls are very committed," said Senator Zin. It has been estimated that in Argentina about 20 million citizens have an Italian grandfather or great-grandfather.
"Today, first generation Italian immigrants account for 'only' 8-9 percent of the Italian community. All the others are Argentinian-Italians or Brazilian-Italians, or are second or third generation Italians. Most of them do not even speak Italian. The visit will, however, have a strong emotional impact for all of us," added the senator. The immigrant flow coming from Italy has been reduced to only a few hundred. Mr Zin explained that "today, few Italians come to Argentina. Not more than 1,800-1,900 every year because the economic situation is not very attractive now. That is why we wish to promote return-tourism. There are many Italian-Argentinians who would like to visit the towns where their grandparents or great-grandparents were born. We have proposed to major discount to those who wish to visit the country of their ancestors." With regard to welcoming Italian entrepreneurs in Buenos Aires, Mr Zin said that "if an Italian entrepreneur wishes to come to Argentina, he must not only bring his products to sell, but money too. Trade is of major importance, but investments are necessary. Otherwise, there will only be skilled salespersons." Senator Zin added that the election of President Mauricio Macri "is a guarantee for Italian enterprises who wish to make major investments".