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Italian author Maraini to discuss women's issues in Hamburg

(AGI) Hamburg, July 1 - The renowned Italian writer Dacia Maraini will fly to Ha...

Italian author Maraini to discuss women's issues in Hamburg
dacia maraini - fb

(AGI) Hamburg, July 1 - The renowned Italian writer Dacia Maraini will fly to Hamburg next Wednesday to discuss "Being a woman today" ("Essere donna oggi"). The meeting, organised by the Italian Institute of Culture in collaboration with the University of Hamburg's Institute of Roman Studies, will also involve Ornella Fendt as moderator and translator. Ms Maraini is one of Italy's most influential authors: on top of her well-known novels, her works include short stories, plays, and political essays. Many of her novels, including "Bagheria" and "Voices", have been published in Germany. Known for her social critique and being a "civil poetess", she has paved her way as a dedicated writer who isn't afraid of tackling delicate political and social issues. The reality for women in southern Italy and their endeavours to gain wider freedoms play a central role in Dacia Maraini's work. Her writing sets itself apart due to her ability to address difficult topics such as paedophilia and incest without using accusatory or judgemental tones. What differences remain today between North and South Italy on gender issues? What is the influence of modern Italian politics on literature? Can literature give a real contribution to the cause, not only by drawing attention to social and cultural problems but also offering solutions? These questions and more will be the focus during the discussion with Dacia Maraini and Ornella Fendt. (AGI). .