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#PizzaUnesco petition presents book in Naples on Wednesday

(AGI) Rome, Sept 6 - The #pizzaUnesco campaign will present its book "#pizzaUnes...

#PizzaUnesco petition presents book in Naples on Wednesday
Pizza Napoletana (Agf) 

(AGI) Rome, Sept 6 - The #pizzaUnesco campaign will present its book "#pizzaUnesco orgoglio italiano nel mondo. La sfida continua: obiettivo 100 Paesi" (#pizzaUnesco Italian pride in the world - the challenge continues: objective 100 countries) in Naples' Pizza Village on Caracciolo street on Wednesday. The international petition for the "Art of Neapolitan Pizzaiuoli" (pizza-makers) to be added to the UNESCO List of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity was launched by the president of the UniVerde Foundation, Alfonso Pecoraro Scanio, in 2014. The event on Wednesday will be attended by the Italian foreign ministry's Director General for the Promotion of the Italian Economic System, Vincenzo De Luca, as well as Mr Pecoraro Scanio himself, the book's curator Massimo Boddi, and the event manager at Napoli Pizza Village, Alessandro Marinacci. Other attendees will include: the president of the Italian Association of Farmers (Coldiretti), Roberto Moncalvo; the Head of Department at the Italian Ministry of Agriculture, Luca Bianchi; the president of the Pizzaiuoli Napoletani Association, Sergio Miccu'; the legal administrator of the UNESCO candidacy and adviser to the Ministry of Agriculture, Pier Luigi Petrillo; and the owner of Canale 21, Paolo Torino. (AGI). .